Beginning in Middle School Dave joined the Cross Country Team. Unfortunately all of the races were weekdays immediately after school and my job at the time did not allow the flexibility for me to attend most of them. He continued running through High School originally at Oak Park and then transitioning to RayPec. Following in their big brother's footsteps Alexander and Phaedra joined the Cross Country team and I haven't missed a race in years now.

When I was in HS as a football player we tended to tease the XC team but RayPec takes it very seriously and consistently produces state ranked players. I now have dozens of running themed t-shirts from the many events and have accepted that my fall weekends will be dedicated to getting up early to shuttle my kids to Peculiar (a 45 minute drive my house) so they can take the bus to their race. Dave may have graduated but Phaedra just started her Freshman year as a runner and Alexander is a senior. Tonight they kicked off the first race with an intermural competition. So begins the fall tradition...
