As a child I was a Cub Scout for a short period of time. My parents didn't mind that I was a member but didn't like that they had to drive me to meetings or events and my father was often at odds with the other dads for various reasons. As a result I didn't even make it to the rank of Webelos. I have my old Bear handbook somewhere in the back of my closest and remembered completing badge requirements even after my parents removed me. I truly enjoyed the learning experience and my OCD, Type A personality enjoyed checking off the boxes and completing things.

My sons expressed marginal interest in scouts but I couldn't get their mom to take them to the meetings on her week and the boys felt consistently behind so Cub Scouts didn't work out for them. Naturally a few years later when it was her idea she signed them up for scouts through the Mormon church she attended. I was never kept in the loop (pretty common theme with her communication level) but they rarely had anything to report and eventually stopped attending again.

When she was in 3rd grade Phaedra came home from school and told me one of her friends, Aria was a scout and that she wanted to go to spend time with her. I called around and found out that the troop from her school was run by a couple and that they had an upcoming field trip to earn a badge. We arrived at a Savers that night where they were learning about commerce and Phaedra quickly joined her best friend before being introduced to the other girls.

After enthusiastically signing up as a Brownie she worked her way up to Junior and then Cadette earning her Bronze Award and countless badges along the way. As she transitioned into 8th grade her interest began to decline because her mom moved her to Raymore and she felt segregated from the other girls. I know how much she benefited from it and fought it for a while but eventually saw the writing on the wall. At her last meeting the girls played HORSE and then said their teary eyed goodbyes. We still run into some of them from time to time and I still count all their parents as friends.

Bridget is a founding member of her troop that formed before she was even in kindergarten. As Daisy's they had 15 members but natural attrition weeded them down to just a half dozen active members. When Covid hit and meetings went virtual we only had 3 or 4 girls attend via Zoom. Last week the girls bridged to Juniors and we seem to have settled in with 5 core members and a few occasionals. She is still excited to participate and we sign up for events as a family more than we do as a troop.

As an active parent I have served a few years as a Cookie Parent, am on the team that coordinates Northland Encampment (an event for thousands of local girls) and recently became the Treasurer for Bridget's troop. As an organization I think, at least locally, it is well organized and they provide a lot of benefit to girls. So long as Bridget is interested I will be a leader helping guide and inform my daughter and others in the KC area.
